The Princeton Bioethics Exchange is a monthly series co-moderated by Penelope Georges of the Council on Science and Technology and David Miller of the Faith & Work Initiative in the Keller Center.
Prof. Cliff Brangwynne, director of the Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute, invited Penelope and David to coordinate an intimate group discussion for faculty and students in September 2022 to welcome Jodi Halpern, Ph.D., the inaugural speaker for the Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Lecture in Ethics and Policy in Bioengineering. The interest garnered by these discussions and the efforts of Ezra Levy, a Ph.D. candidate in Molecular Biology, and Madeleine Chalifoux, a Ph.D. candidate in Chemical and Biological Engineering led to the launch of The Exchange in the Fall of 2023.
The Exchange offers graduate and postdoctoral students across all university disciplines an opportunity to cultivate ethical awareness, reflection, and practical resources for addressing the ethical ramifications of their research and resulting policy. Some of the topics discussed include "Prime Editing & Polygenicity: Uncertainties in Genetics," "Should Research that Facilitates Bioterrorism be Accessible to the Public?" and "Human Augmentation and Enhancement."
The Princeton Bioethics Exchange is co-sponsored by the CST, the Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute (ODBI), the Princeton Faith & Work Initiative (FWI), and GradFUTURES.
To learn more or join the group, please email [email protected].
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