- Linna AnAffiliationUniversity of WashingtonPresentationDe novo Design for Small Molecule Binding and Sensing
- Anush Chiappino PepeAffiliationHarvard Medical SchoolPresentationEngineering living technologies for new chemistries and enhanced safety in human and planetary health
- Raghav GargAffiliationUniversity of PennsylvaniaPresentationNeuroelectronic interfaces for cellular investigations and clinical therapeutics
- Rebecca WilkesAffiliationNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryPresentationSystems biology insights into biochemical production in Pseudomonas putida KT2440
Event Description
Join us as we host these talented junior colleagues and learn about their research.
A reception will be held in the LAS Atrium immediately following the seminar.
Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute